Blockquote Plugin ============================================================ This adds a blockquote button to tinyMCE. Developed by Bit Santos Instead of using the indent/outdent buttons to insert content into blockquote tags, IMHO, it's a much better idea to have a dedicated button for it. Click it once, and it adds the selected block/s of content into a blockquote tag. Click it again and the selected block/s are removed from the blockquote tag. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------ 0.2 - Can apply blockquote tags to multiple block-level elements. - Will apply the paragraph tag when the blockquote tag is removed and the remaining content doesn't have a parent block-level element. - Much better support for nested tags. 0.1 (not released) - Apply blockquote tags to content, one block-level element at a time. - Could not properly handle content nested tags, including lists. Plugin-specific Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------ blockquote_clear_tag : (optional) the HTML tag to be applied when the blockquote tag is removed and the remaining content does not have a block-level parent. Defaults to 'p'. Installation ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Copy the blockquote directory to the tinyMCE plugins directory. 2. Add 'blockquote' to the plugin list. 3. Add 'blockquote' to the button list. Sample initialization ------------------------------------------------------------ tinyMCE.init({ theme : "advanced", mode : "textareas", plugins : "blockquote", blockquote_clear_tag : "p", theme_advanced_buttons1_add : "blockquote", });